Top 3 Types of EHR Software to Skyrocket Practice Revenue

Electronic health records (EHR) reinvented the efficiency of the industry. But the rising number of types of EHR software poses new challenges to healthcare businesses — they have to navigate through all the available offers with masterly skills.

Types of EHR Software

In our new article we prepared a thorough and future-forwarding review of types of electronic health record software for medical businesses. We are ready to take off the burden of choice — learn about just three types that can be practical for your company. We will explore further how EHR software helps increase revenue; discussing various strategies medical practices can use to maximize their financial potential and capitalize on EHR software's full potential.

How Does EHR Software Work?

In today's swiftly shifting healthcare landscape, medical practices face increasing pressure to deliver utmost patient care while simultaneously increasing profits. EHR software offers one solution that may help your practice thrive — but only if used effectively! Electronic Health Records (EHR) software has emerged as a key resource in meeting both objectives.

In 2020, the global EHR market was worth almost $ 29 billion. Projections indicated that by 2027, the EHR market would expand to exceed $ 47 billion.

EHR software provides several immediate advantages, including enhanced patient care and more streamlined administrative processes; but its true power lies in increasing revenue for medical practices.

Electronic Health Records Software Development

Why Do You Require an EHR Software System Right Away?

The need for an EHR medical system software has appeared even more imperative in the competition race. Healthcare organizations stand to gain substantial advantages from implementing the most practical systems to gain all benefits of EHR software for medical businesses.

Improved Billing and Coding Accuracy

One of the primary ways different types of EHR software systems grow practice revenue is through increasing billing and coding accuracy. Manual billing processes can often result in errors that lead to claim denials and delayed payments; automating these processes with EHR and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software decreases error risks while guaranteeing claims are filed correctly in their initial submission for faster reimbursements and increased revenues.

EHR software achieves this by seamlessly incorporating billing and coding directly into the patient's electronic health record. As healthcare providers document patient encounters, EHR systems automatically generate billing codes based on documentation made. This reduces under- and over-coding risk significantly and ensures practices receive their maximum reimbursement potential.

EHR systems often include built-in coding guidance and compliance checks to aid healthcare providers in selecting the appropriate codes for specific patient conditions and procedures, reducing audit risks and penalties and helping medical practices achieve higher levels of coding accuracy and revenue capture.

Improved Revenue Cycle Management

EHR software offers comprehensive revenue cycle management (RCM) capabilities. It simplifies every stage of billing — from patient registration and insurance verification, claims submission and payment posting — by automating these tasks and providing real-time visibility into practice finances, EHR software allows practices to identify revenue leakage immediately - this proactive approach to RCM ensures they reach their full revenue potential.

  • Patient Registration and Eligibility Verification. Using EHR software features, to reduce instances of denied claims due to eligibility issues and ensure services are only delivered to those with active insurance policies, improving their chance of successful reimbursement.
  • Claims Submission and Follow-Up. EHR systems offer practices an efficient means of claims submission by allowing practices to submit claims electronically to payers, which expedites reimbursement timeframes and reduces time/effort requirements to resolve denied claims. Furthermore, automated claims follow up and denial management functions of an EHR software can streamline claims follow up efforts as well as denial management efforts, saving practices time and energy while improving patient care quality.
  • Payment Posting and Reconciliation. EHR software allows providers to seamlessly post payments received from insurance companies or patients automatically, eliminating manual data entry errors. Furthermore, it helps facilitate reconciliation by matching payments against claims filed for each patient to ensure no revenue goes unaccounted for.
  • Reporting and Analytics. EHR systems offer robust reporting and analytics tools that allow practices to monitor key performance indicators related to revenue collection, such as average reimbursement times, denial rates, and revenue trends. By analyzing this data, practices can identify areas for improvement while developing strategies to maximize revenue collection.

Increased Patient Volume

EHR software can assist medical practices in seeing more patients efficiently by offering features like appointment scheduling, automated reminders and electronic patient records that make managing patient loads simpler and reduce administrative overhead — ultimately leading to an increase in revenue.

Appointment scheduling within EHR software enables practices to efficiently manage their appointment calendars and reduce conflicts between appointments, thus optimizing providers' time utilization. Automated reminders via email or SMS further ensure no-show rates remain low and that appointments are maximized efficiently.

Electronic patient records enable healthcare providers to quickly and comprehensively access patient information, cutting down time spent searching for paper records. This efficiency enables healthcare providers to see more patients during working hours while EHR systems also generate electronic prescriptions, further streamlining patient visits and decreasing wait times.

Improved Documentation and Compliance

Accurate billing and coding depend heavily on proper documentation. EHR software ensures thorough and compliant documentation by leading healthcare providers through structured templates and checklists, to capture all essential information for higher reimbursement rates and reduced audit risk - leading to greater reimbursement rates and lower audit risk, which in turn result in reduced penalties or revenue losses.

EHR documentation templates encourage providers to include essential details about patient history, current medications, allergies and condition evaluation in their documentation. The level of detail helps providers capture accurate coding as well as providing an all-encompassing view of a patient's medical history.

EHR software can also facilitate compliance with government and payer regulations and requirements, such as Meaningful Use (now Promoting Interoperability) and Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) reporting requirements. Meeting these criteria may result in financial incentives and avoid potential penalties, increasing practice revenue.

Data Analytics to Inform Decision-Making

Modern EHR systems offer extensive data analytics capabilities, allowing practices to make data-driven decisions to increase revenue generation and expand service expansion while optimizing pricing strategies and negotiating favorable contracts with payers — ultimately contributing to increased revenues.

  • Patient Population Analysis. EHR software allows practices to conduct an in-depth patient population analysis by factors like age, gender, geographic location and medical conditions — this information can guide marketing efforts, service offerings, and clinical decision support to attract a larger patient base.
  • Service Utilization and Billing Trends. Practices can use service utilization and billing trends analysis to understand which services are most in demand, creating maximum revenue, thus helping them target resources towards profitable services while optimizing pricing strategies.
  • Payer Performance Analysis. EHR analytics can offer valuable insight into payer reimbursement rates, claim denial rates and payment turnaround times, giving them leverage when negotiating contracts with payers to secure higher reimbursement rates.
  • Cost Management. EHR analytics can also assist practices with cost management by helping to identify areas of unnecessary spending, such as overutilization or inefficient workflows, which could impact profit margins negatively. By eliminating unnecessary expenses, they may increase profits.

Optimized Administrative Costs

EHR software provides significant administrative cost savings by streamlining tasks such as manual data entry, paperwork filing and physical storage space requirements for medical records. This efficiency translates to significant cost reduction that can be invested back into revenue-generating activities or reallocated more effectively across resources within practices.

  • Paperless Documentation. EHR software eliminates the need for paper medical records, thus cutting costs associated with paper, printing and physical storage space.
  • Time Savings. Automation of administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling and claims submission can drastically cut back the amount of time and labor spent performing them.
  • Improved Resource Allocation. By streamlining workflows and relieving administrative burdens, practices can reallocate staff members to revenue-generating activities such as patient care and outreach programs.
  • Improved Inventory Management. Practices can use EHR data to optimize inventory management of medical supplies and reduce unnecessary stockpiling, ultimately decreasing their inventory carrying costs and cutting inventory management costs.

Telehealth Integration

In a February 2023 report by Rock Health, it was found that 80% of individuals in the US have utilized telemedicine services as a digital version of visiting a specialist at least once.

EHR software with built-in telehealth capabilities allows practices to reach out to a broader patient base; offering these services can attract new patients while opening up additional revenue streams — particularly where geography or mobility limitations limit accessibility of care providers.

  • Expand Geographic Reach. Through offering remote consultations to patients who cannot physically visit, practices can expand patient bases beyond local boundaries and broaden geographic coverage.
  • Increase Patient Engagement. Telehealth services provide convenience for patients, leading to higher engagement and retention.
  • Capture Additional Revenue. Streams by billing for these services — adding another revenue source into a practice's income.
  • Reduce No-Show Rates. Telehealth appointments on patient portals have lower no-show rates, helping ensure scheduled appointments are monetized effectively and revenue can be realized more effectively.
Benefits of EHR Software

EHR Software Solutions for Your Practice: Our Top 3

When embarking on the journey to select a new or replacement EHR software product for your medical practice, it becomes crucial to carefully evaluate and choose the software type that aligns best with your specific needs and objectives. Within the realm of EHR solutions, there exist three major categories, each offering its unique set of features and advantages: enterprise, SaaS (Software as a Service), and custom solutions.

On-Premises EHR Software Products

On-premises EHR software involves buying a software product from an EHR provider and installing it on servers within your office. This method requires an initial investment in software, server infrastructure, and local network connectivity. It's worth noting that on-premises EHR solutions typically don't come with ongoing subscription fees, which can lead to significant cost savings in the long run compared to Software as a Service (SaaS) alternatives. Most off-the-shelf enterprise-level on-premises EHR software solutions are ready to use once installed. However, even if the initial EHR software cost may not seem so frightening, your healthcare practice will likely need to customize clinical content, templates, reports, or other features to align with your specific needs and workflows.

Imagine a medium-sized medical clinic that opts for an on-premises EHR system. They purchase software from a reputable EHR vendor and set up servers in their clinic's IT room. This initial investment covers the cost of the software, the server hardware, and the necessary networking equipment. Over time, they save money because they don't have to pay monthly subscription fees. However, they do need to invest in IT staff to maintain and update their on-site infrastructure.

Cloud-Based EHRs (SaaS)

In contrast to enterprise software, Software as a Service (SaaS) or cloud EHR software eliminate the need to maintain servers and infrastructure on your premises. Instead, your practice accesses a SaaS EHR system through web-based platforms. SaaS approaches have lower upfront costs but do involve ongoing monthly or annual subscription fees.

Consider a small practice that decides to use cloud-based EHR systems. They don't need to worry about purchasing and maintaining servers because their EHR is hosted in the cloud. They pay a monthly subscription fee to access the software online. This model offers lower upfront costs, making it more accessible for smaller practices. However, they may have limited customization options compared to an on-premises solution.

Custom EHR Systems

If your healthcare practice specializes in a unique field, there may be benefits to creating a custom EHR system designed to meet your specific requirements. Of course, developing such a customized EHR system requires a significant upfront investment.

Let's say there's a specialized dermatology clinic that deals with unique patient data and workflows. Instead of purchasing off-the-shelf EHR software, they decide to build a custom EHR system. This custom system is specifically designed to handle dermatological records, image storage, and treatment plans in a way that suits their practice perfectly. While it requires a substantial initial investment, it allows them to streamline their operations and provide better patient care.

Alternatively, another specialized clinic, such as a cardiology center, might opt for an on-premises EHR but customize it extensively to handle cardiology-specific data and processes. They integrate features like ECG analysis tools and specialized reporting templates into their existing enterprise-level EHR to meet their unique needs without building an entirely custom system from scratch.

Final Thoughts

Electronic Health Record systems play an essential role in modernizing medical practices and keeping them financially viable. EHR software assists by increasing medical billing for small practices accuracy, optimizing revenue cycle management, increasing patient volume, promoting compliance with regulations, providing data analytics tools for reduced administrative costs and offering telehealth solutions — providing multifaceted ways to boost practice revenue.

Medical practices that invest in quality Electronic Health Records software development not only improve patient care and operational efficiency, but they can also better position themselves to succeed in an increasingly competitive healthcare marketplace. EHR software is more than merely an administrative tool; it is an asset which can play an instrumental role in driving financial success for their practice.

At a time when healthcare reimbursement models continue to change rapidly, medical practices must adapt their revenue generation methods accordingly in order to remain financially healthy and grow their practices. EHR software gives practices the tools and insights they need to navigate this evolving environment successfully; by harnessing its full potential they can not only increase financial health but also maintain high-quality patient care services.

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About the Author

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Dzmitry Yermakou

Dzmitry Yermakou

IT Strategies and Business Development

Dzmitry is dedicated to driving growth and innovation. With strong skills in business development and expertise in software and AI-driven solutions, he builds valuable partnerships and delivers top-notch technology. Dzmitry's talent for spotting opportunities makes him a key expert in fostering client success and innovation.

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