The Future of Healthcare: How Remote Patient Monitoring Transforms Healthcare

The 2020 pandemic emphasized the significance of conserving healthcare resources and personnel and serving as a reminder of how vital healthcare is to the world.

How Remote Patient Monitoring Transforms Healthcare

The 2020 pandemic emphasized the significance of conserving healthcare resources and personnel and serving as a reminder of how vital healthcare is to the world.

Now, you ask, how can remote patient monitoring transform healthcare systems?

This article outlines the necessity for remote patient monitoring (RPM) solutions, and how CleverDev Software can help develop a custom RPM software to automate your healthcare processes. First, let’s start with the basics.

How RPM Solutions Transform Healthcare

The idea is that the patient does not have to go to the hospital regularly to check his pacemaker or defibrillator. Still, through a transmitter that he places on his bedside table, it is possible to access the data, which reaches a web page of the affiliated hospital, and the service controls the perfect functioning of the appliance. This technological innovation — in healthcare transformation — is developed to reduce unnecessary hospital visits.

As José Francisco Tomás, general director of Sanitas Hospitales, explains, "digitization has allowed us to monitor our patients remotely after being discharged from the hospital, which has prevented them from having to go to the center for control and has put their reach all the assistance resources that they required.”

The market also demonstrates the viability of remote patient monitoring solutions and telehealth.

According to an S&P Global report, the number of telehealth patients increased by nearly 4,000% over the entire year. The global telemedicine market is anticipated to reach $185 billion by 2026 at a 23.5 percent annual rate. This technological and medical advancement significantly impacts healthcare and medicine and is here to stay.

What is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)?

RPM solutions use electronic equipment to observe or record physiologic processes while the patient undergoes normal daily activities.

It refers to measuring physiological processes such as vital signs (heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, temperature) and other measurements (blood cells, blood chemistry, renal output, etc.) at a distance using digital and analog technology.

It enables a doctor in a remote place to consult an expert in another city about a patient's unique or complicated circumstances. A simple phone call can be used to make these queries. They increasingly involve the interchange of complex medical data, such as CT scans, MRIs, or ultrasounds. The neighborhood physician can capture these pictures, add them to an electronic health record, and send them to the specialist for evaluation and treatment suggestions.

Patients can be monitored remotely, such as at home or outside of a clinical setting, thanks to remote patient monitoring (RPM). Patients put on sensors that wirelessly gather and send physiological information to medical personnel. RPM has a significant positive impact on one's quality of life.

Real-time transmission of blood glucose readings, for instance, enables healthcare professionals to intervene when necessary and avert serious incidents and hospitalizations in managing diabetes.

future of healthcare RPM

Remote Patient Monitoring: How it Works.

Remote monitoring solutions typically include one or more cameras that record high-risk patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) 24 hours a day or temporarily refurbished rooms such as operating rooms. In such environments, remote-controlled cameras offer obvious advantages without the need for an operator to be physically present to adjust the camera's field of view and make other adjustments. Staff can view both the patient and her health-related information in the room remotely.

Even without the installation of dedicated video cabling, Sony's NUCLeUS™ system allows digitized video, as well as audio and other signals, to be transferred over an IP network when combined with Sony's SRG-X120 and SRG-X400 4K PTZ cameras. With this solution, video streams can be viewed from the nurse's office or anywhere in the hospital using a web browser on an authorized PC or iPad or a large screen.

The use of telehomecare, a method implemented as a remote patient monitoring system, enables persons with chronic illnesses, dementia, or those at high risk of falling to stay in their own homes. With this technique, the emphasis is on immediately mobilizing a relief effort in response to emergencies. Sensors monitor changes in chronic illnesses and other dangers, like gas leaks, fires, and floods. If a dementia patient leaves their house, the sensors can also notify carers. A monitoring center is informed when a sensor is activated so it can respond appropriately, such as calling a caregiver or dispatching emergency personnel.

Medicine used at the Point of Care (POC) is another application of the remote patient monitoring system. It is built on diagnostic tools and software that can function at the time and location of patient care, including at home, in medical facilities such as clinics and offices, and in rural locations without access to electricity or lab equipment. POC tools can identify anemia, viral diseases, nutritional deficits, and even some malignancies. POC technologies enable healthcare professionals to test patients and receive results quickly without needing a complicated laboratory setting, which can result in significant cost savings. POC technologies are often used in conjunction with telemedicine.

How Does the Internet Healthcare Industry Benefit from Remote Patient Monitoring?

The online healthcare sector is significantly improving due to the growth of virtual health. The internet healthcare market is expected to rise by 18.5 percent by 2026, a very rapid growth rate. For the online healthcare sector, using remote patient tracking technologies to reduce outpatient visits and improve productivity can be a gold mine.

Medical teams have a scalable and sustainable means to manage populations of patients with continuing or severe illnesses at home, thanks to remote patient monitoring and medical telemonitoring programs. They are essential in treating Covid-19 patients who don't require hospitalization. By constantly exchanging patient information that may reveal crucial details about the patient's state, this collaboration will enable healthcare teams in every other region/clinic to have a more comprehensive picture of the patient and the ability to respond before dangerous events happen. With the help of single-use biosensors and patient technology that enables remote tracking, healthcare teams can help to lessen the need for doctors and patients to engage in person.

According to Veterans management, healthcare organizations have experienced a 25% drop in bed days and a 19% reduction in hospital admissions since adopting remote patient monitoring solutions and IoTs in fitness shipping items. The patient experience is enhanced while costs are decreased when existing systems are used in conjunction with mobile monitoring services to deliver RPM services.

RPM Technologies and Devices

RPM solutions have advanced significantly due to the development of telecare, IoT devices, and remote toolkits. Medical practitioners can access hospitals and healthcare facilities worldwide using artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality software and interfaces to provide prompt patient care in hazardous or remote locations. They can monitor patient vital signs with wearable technology, such as heart rate or oxygen saturation, reducing the risk to medical staff and providing round-the-clock patient care.

Of course, it's crucial to consider the technology behind telemedicine and remote patient monitoring solutions positively shaping the industry; disrupting how to deliver healthcare services. We cannot underestimate the crucial impact of Healthcare Software Development Companies to industry transformation.
The medical sector has a lot of opportunities with IoT-enabled devices to improve telemedicine capabilities and RPM capability. Statistics support this, with the IoT market forecast to grow to $543billion by 2025, with an estimated $63billion in global savings.

  1. 15-minute paper diagnostic of a virus.

RNA from blood must be amplified at a centralized laboratory for HIV viral load diagnostics, which can delay diagnosis and therapy for weeks. The HIV viral load in whole blood can be determined in 15 minutes, thanks to a paper-based diagnosis developed by NIBIB researchers. RNA is extracted and reacted on paper using a mobile device, which is also utilized to examine the fluorescence output that indicates viral load and store the results in the cloud for usage by a physician. The $10 test will be utilized for various infectious illness diagnoses at the Point of Care.

  1. Mobile health devices that can be transported to improve knee osteoarthritis treatment.

Due to pain, stiffness, and a reduced range of motion, knee osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the main causes of disability. Studies have shown that using too little or too much of a professionally advised treatment frequently makes the pain worse, indicating that there is an ideal level of treatment for each individual. A flexible wearable device with one sensor linked to the knee guiding strap and a second sensor tucked under the foot's insole has been developed by engineers with funding from NIBIB. The software will gather and analyze the patient's movement biomechanics, which influences pain, quality of life, and the progression of rehabilitation; this can produce medical data to enable the development of individualized OA therapy.

  1. Anemia-detecting smartphone test.

More than 1.6 billion people worldwide have anemia, which worsens children's and adults' cognition and raises the risk of maternal and infant death. Anemia is caused by inflammation, an iron and B vitamin shortage, and improper treatments can worsen the problem. NIBIB-funded researchers are developing AnemiaPhone to evaluate iron popularity, irritability, and nutrition B all in one examination. A cellphone accent examines a bloodstain on a test strip. The smartphone's camera records and measures the effects, which are then cataloged so that medical professionals can provide each character with the appropriate treatment. The era is made to function in remote areas where anemia is a persistent and crippling fitness issue.

  1. A cellular technique to prevent congestive coronary heart failure hospitalization.

Congestive heart failure (HF) and traumatic arterial inflammation (AF) are prevalent conditions that frequently occur together and frequently lead to hospitalizations while patients experience breathlessness. Cardiologists could modify the patient's medication and prevent the need for hospitalization with early notification of failure. Scientists at the NIBIB are creating cellphones and wearable technology to show patients with AF and HF as their congestive heart failure progresses in the early stages. The system will include a smart bracelet and ring to detect changes in the charge and amplitude of the coronary heart indicative of impending congestive heart failure.

The Advantages of Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient tracking improves along with telehealth's popularity and practicality (RPM). For a variety of reasons, including the following, a rising number of businesses require remote patient monitoring:

  1. modern science and technology increased attention to the telehealth industry for businesses and patients in terms of the length of the COVID-19 public health emergency, expanded coverage insurance;
  1. the ability to expose and prevent you from having major headaches in distant places;
  1. decreased hospitalizations;
  1. shorter stays in the hospital if the patient is allowed to go with a home monitoring device;
  1. fewer trips to the emergency room;
  1. patients in remote areas will experience better health outcomes;
  1. greater focus on chronic disease prevention;
  1. reduced risk for patients and healthcare staff to contract COVID-19 and other diseases.

Reduced hospital readmissions and fewer visits can save costs for healthcare providers. Through using our customized CleverDev’s RPM, our client has delivered optimal results to their clients — reduced the number of office visits and made an additional income stream of over $500k.

A Strategy to Assist Your Patients to Deliver and Use RPM Technologies.

Remote tracking may be unfamiliar to both you and your sufferers. Being knowledgeable about your gadgets is the best method to assist your patients. This covers their operation and how you may use the tool to gather statistics.

Make sure the patient understands why you are recommending home health monitors.

Several ways to assist with your patient's RPM program or devices are listed below:

  • a telemedicine consultation before they start using the tool;
  • an additional telemedicine appointment after they've used the technology for a while;
  • a PDF that may be downloaded or sent through email that explains distance;
  • a PDF that can be downloaded or an email outlining how to track a distant patient for symptoms;
  • talk to your patients about the advantages of remote patient monitoring.

Some patients may request an examination, a prognosis, or an in-person follow-up. This depends on your reputation, your financial resources, or your unique preferences and skills. But there are many ways that remote patient monitoring can help with chronic conditions, pregnancy-related headaches, and short-term diseases.

Remote Patient Monitoring Trends: How Remote Patient Monitoring is Essential to Healthcare Industry in the Future

Our perception of life has undergone significant change due to the pandemic. The epidemic was continuously fought with a variety of inventions and technological advancements.

In 2020, there was a serious global lack of healthcare facilities, making technological solutions all the more desirable. As a result, telehealth developed further with cutting-edge tools and technology to confront the problem head-on.

The broad field of telehealth includes various subdivisions, such as remote patient monitoring (RPM) technology, telemedicine, and digital fitness care. In addition to what telemedicine and digital healthcare have done for the telehealth sector, remote patient monitoring is gradually becoming a priceless tool. Instead, RPM technology has drawn 88 percent of healthcare organizations. With the rise of more chronic patients and a goal of cutting back on outpatient visits, RPM technology has experienced an unprecedented upward drive.

The benefits of RPM make it simple to understand why remote patient tracking is flourishing. The need for digital healthcare will persist for years, even in the wake of the fitness tragedy. According to McKinsey & Co., virtualization might reduce costs by about $250 billion in today's health care spending. Nevertheless, the epidemic has disrupted several established medical procedures and has difficulty keeping up with the growing fashion.

The popularity and accessibility of medical technology will grow significantly over the next few years, as well as patients' willingness to collect and use data. This will significantly impact remote patient monitoring—aid healthcare providers in managing the inconvenience of outpatient appointments.

It's not surprising that mobile apps will help consumers and healthcare providers, given that there are more than 3.2 million smartphone users and 1.35 million tablet users. Remote tutoring has become simpler due to the adoption of mobile apps and the push for mHealth. Therefore, all healthcare companies must prioritize providing remote patient care.

Important Remote Patient Monitoring Data

In recent years, remote patient monitoring systems have advanced in sophistication; combining technology and gadgets is now more cutting-edge than ever. Here are some statistics about remote patient monitoring and patient care control that will explain more about its expanding use:

  • According to a study, demand for remote patient monitoring devices has increased since COVID due to better patient outcomes (49 percent),
  • Higher compliance rates (44%), and people took more responsibility for their health (42%).
  • According to the American Medical Association, as of 2019, nine out of ten healthcare providers already specialized in implementing remote patient monitoring technology. The adoption of remote patient monitoring equipment grew from 14 to 28% between 2016 and 2019.

How CleverDev Software Helps

CleverDev Software builds custom RPM solutions that specifically support your healthcare processes in a swift and productive manner. One recent case study was a client in the USA who adopted our customized RPM software to support their large primary healthcare base. By implementing CleverDev's customized software solutions tailored to their specific needs, our client was able to reduce needless hospital visits and gained an additional annual revenue stream of over $500k.

Are you looking for the leading RPM solutions to help your business prioritize care delivery? CleverDev RPM software is the answer. Check out our case study and see how CleverDev can build customized RPM software from scratch that’s workable for your unique healthcare processes.

CleverDev RPM software allows an end-user to maintain patients’ records, track their health data, notify providers on patients’ health status, add notes, create billing reports, and other benefits. Thereby, reducing unnecessary visits to hospitals and increasing revenue for providers. With CleverDev RPM, everyone wins, including the patients and providers.

Contact us today and let us help your practice create a holistic virtual care solution it can adopt.

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About the Author

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Ayanfe Fakunle

Ayanfe Fakunle

IT Researcher

Ayanfe has been a prominent figure in the healthtech research sector, dedicated to deciphering intricate market dynamics. Armed with exceptional analytical, copywriting, and communication skills, he provides invaluable perspectives on a wide range of industry trends and opportunities.

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