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Revolutionizing Patient Care: A Case Study on Healthcare CRM Software Development

Our top-productivity custom healthcare CRM solution was developed to manage data for the expanding patient base of our client, reducing processing time and expenses. The system improved medical service quality and resulted in a 15% revenue boost for our client’s business.
Healthcare CRM

About Client

The US-based provider of home care services operates numerous locations and is committed to expanding the accessibility of quality healthcare. To achieve this vision, the company offers a comprehensive range of services, including remote monitoring, telemedicine, chronic care management, and chronic disease management. By extending its offerings beyond the confines of traditional healthcare settings, the company could provide unparalleled support to patients in their local communities.
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2+ years (in progress)


As a healthcare company, your clients are your top priority. You want to ensure that they receive the best possible care and support, tailored to their individual needs and preferences. With the growing number of patients, optimizing your healthcare organization's work is essential. This is where implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system can help. By automating manual processes, improving scheduling and coordination, and enhancing caregiver management, a CRM system can save you time and reduce errors.

Moreover, healthcare systems like EHR, CRM, and telemedicine are in high demand, as patients increasingly prefer online consultations with their doctors. In fact, according to a Deloitte study, 62% of patients prefer online consultations with their doctors. By implementing a CRM system, you can also analyze KPIs to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to drive business growth.

CleverDev Software is a distinguished provider of customized CRM in healthcare solutions, with a wealth of experience in this specialized field. Our expertly-crafted CRM platform for our client was designed to be both highly secure and user-friendly, seamlessly integrating into their business operations to optimize efficiency and drive results.

Our detailed case study gives an overview of the design and development process behind our practical CRM healthcare software, showcasing our meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence.

Healthcare CRM Software

Business Challenge

The US-based healthcare provider offers a range of services, including nursing, therapy, and custodial care, to patients in local facilities and home care settings. To optimize their operations and elevate patient care, they recognized the need for a customized CRM software platform to manage their services and patient records effectively.

Our client recognized that a robust CRM solution was critical to providing exceptional healthcare services. They needed a platform that seamlessly provided their healthcare professionals with instant access to patient data, securely managed EHR data, and empowered specialists with deeper insights on their customers.

However, before approaching CleverDev Software for their technological needs, our client faced several challenges, including an unconnected technology landscape, operational inefficiencies, and delays caused by manual processes. Their reliance on a third-party Cloud Service Provider and CRM vendor proved to be unsustainable and costly, failing to meet the growing demands of their business. The lack of integration between disparate technologies was another major challenge, resulting in an outdated and disjointed technological landscape that could not support the company's expansion and growth.

To tackle these issues, our client turned to CleverDev Software for our expertise in developing custom CRM software solutions. We created a secure and intuitive CRM platform that streamlined their workflows, automated EHR functions, reduced service disruptions, and improved patient management, satisfaction, and retain rate.

Our solution also enabled their healthcare professionals to access and manage EHR data on demand, facilitating better decision-making and enhancing patient outcomes. With our CRM solution in place, our client was able to pave the way for business development and unlock new opportunities for growth in the competitive healthcare sector.


Recognizing the importance of delivering top-quality patient care, our client, an innovative healthcare provider, understood the vital role of CRM in streamlining their services and improving patient satisfaction. To achieve this goal, they turned to CleverDev Software, as we are reconized for our proficiency in developing custom software solutions, particularly in healthcare technology innovation and creating CRM solutions for healthcare providers.

Our team of experts was tasked with creating a unique CRM software solution that was secure, efficient, scalable, and specifically tailored to meet our client's needs.

Here are some of the main features of our medical CRM software:

  • Patient Data Management was essential to delivering quality care, and our software provided a secure and user-friendly platform for managing patient data. With this feature, our client’s personnel easily accessed and managed patient data on a unified platform, making it easier to keep track of patient information and ensure that the team was delivering the best possible care.
  • Customer Service Integration was another key feature that our healthcare CRM solutions implemented. It allowed our client’s specialists to communicate with patients and caregivers in real time. With this feature, they could easily track patient interactions, respond to inquiries quickly, improve customer satisfaction, and retain their customers.
  • Effective Communication is key to any healthcare organization's success. Our responsive CRM software helped our client manage multiple communication channels seamlessly. Our communication management feature streamlined several communication channels, including phone, email, sms-message, video chat, and text chat on the platform. It automated all communication workflows.
  • Customized Reports provided valuable insights into processes and operations. Our software created customized reports about patient information, billing management, medicine prescriptions, and other workflows. It gave detailed insights into our client’s business helping make informed decisions that drive business growth.
  • Document Management was another critical feature of our CRM software. It stored, managed, and shared patient-related documents, ensuring that the team had access to the information they needed to deliver quality care.
  • Multiplatform Access. Our CRM software was available on multiple platforms and devices, ensuring that our client’s team could acquire patient information from anywhere, at any time. It provided a user-friendly interface that made it easy to manage patient information on any device.
  • Consistent Compliance with healthcare regulations is the number one priority to any healthcare organization's success. Our CRM software guaranteed consistent compliance with healthcare regulations, all sensitive patient data was stored and processed within the US jurisdiction. We ensured that our client business stayed compliant and avoided costly penalties.

At CleverDev Software, we understand that healthcare providers need a CRM software solution that is not only efficient but also secure and compliant with all necessary regulations. That's why we made maximum security and compliance a top priority when designing our healthcare CRM software.

All our custom patient CRM software features are HIPAA compliant, and we adhere to legal and governmental regulations to ensure that patient data is protected at all times.

Our team of skilled developers crafted our solution specifically with the healthcare industry's unique needs in mind. We recognize the complexities of the domain and the challenges faced by healthcare providers, which is why we developed a customized software solution tailored to meet those needs.

Medical CRM Software
Healthcare CRM Software Feedback
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To support our client's business growth and expansion, they required a powerful healthcare CRM platform that could meet their unique needs. At CleverDev Software, our expertise in research and strategy planning, custom software development, testing and adjusting, robust fast deployment, and prompt release allowed us to deliver a solution that exceeded expectations. The success of our healthcare CRM software development services was remarkable and with exceptional results. Some of the most notable achievements include:

Personalized Care

By utilizing a custom healthcare CRM software system, our client was able to capture and store valuable patient information such as demographics, medical history, and preferences. That allowed for personalized care plans to be created and tailored to each patient's unique needs, resulting in better outcomes, patient satisfaction, and an impressive retention rate.

Medical Error Reduction

With a CRM for doctors system, providers ensured that critical information such as allergies, medications, and medical history was accurately documented and easily accessible to all healthcare team members. That helped reduce medical errors and improve patient safety.

Compliance and Security of Patient Data

Our tailored healthcare CRM systems were designed to be HIPAA compliant and ensured the security of patient data. That protected both the patient and the healthcare provider from potential breaches and legal issues.

Attracting New Customers

On account of patient relationship management software, our client’s company offered personalized care and better communication. It attracted new customers, improved patient retention rates, and fuelled the rapid growth of the business.


With our scalable healthcare CRM system, our client’s specialists could easily add new features and functionalities, as well as new users, without disrupting the system's overall performance. The company could swiftly adapt to changing business needs and customer requirements quickly.

Moreover, our scalable custom CRM system helped save costs in the long run. There was no need to invest in new software every time the company expanded its business. Our cutting-edge healthcare CRM software system provided the company with the flexibility and agility it needed to keep up with changing business requirements, grew its customer base, increased revenue over time, expanded into new markets, and offered new services to wider audiences.

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We Are Open to New Projects

At CleverDev Software, we understand that when it comes to developing custom CRM software for healthcare and other industries, expertise is key. That's why we pride ourselves on our team's exceptional technical knowledge, industry-specific expertise, and proven track record of delivering successful secure software projects.

We believe in going beyond just delivering high-quality software. We strive to understand our client's values and business objectives, so we can tailor our solutions to meet their unique needs. Our commitment to providing top-notch service doesn't end with the launch of the project — we engage ongoing support to ensure the success of the software long-term.

Our full-cycle custom software development services span a wide range of industries, from healthcare to finance and beyond. Contact our expert IT consultants to learn how we can help your business achieve its goals with custom software solutions.

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